Sunday, December 03, 2006
Introducing Myself.....
Hi! My name is Kim Lillpop and reside in the very seasonal Central Illinois. I am about 2 hours from St. Louis and three hours from Chicago. I am very honored to be a part of the Ready-Set-Create CT! So, let me tell you a little about myself....

I've been married to my husband, Mark, for almost seven years. We have a very happy little girl, Kaitlyn, who is five years old and is in kindergarten. She is the subject of almost all my scrapbooking layouts. Besides being a full-time mom (that's my first job), and I am also the marketing services manager for a fire hydrant manufacturer (this is my 8-5 job). Besides scrapbooking, I love Grey's Anatomy, reading, watching movies, eating out, and shopping!

Scrapbooking has been a passion of mine for over seven years now. I started out just having stickers, and now I could open my own shop with all the supplies I've collected. I love about every company, and I don't hesitate to try something new. If you show it to me, I'll probably buy it (they love to see me walk in the scrapbook store). Besides being a part of Ready, Set, Create, I also design for A Cherry On Top (www.acherryontop), and I've been doing this for almost two years.

Happy Scrapping!